Attention to detail

I am greeted (rewarded?) with evidence of growth and progress every day — as long as I pay attention. Like listening in the car this morning when Fenner said out of the blue, “I hope I get to do my presentation today. I practiced again last night and it was really good!” (What?! Could this be the same girl I remember as a 3rd-grader, all sweaty and shaky and barely able to whisper as she read her story in front of the class?)

And then stopping long enough to notice — as I plowed through the pile of papers on the kitchen counter — something that Ellen wrote at school:


You mean she’s actually proud of her new-found rat-feeding and cat-box-cleaning skills? I never would have guessed. But yes, proud — of what I assumed to be mundane. What was that quote I just read in Vicki’s blog? Oh, right:

“See with their eyes, hear with their ears, feel with their heart.”  Adler

ps And on top of that, going into Jerry’s office to use the fax machine and finding this:


I had to stop and take a few deep breaths to keep from bursting into tears. Yowza.

Stop, look, and listen. It’s so amazing what you’ll find.

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